December 1, 2021 2:48 pm

How to Lose Lower Stomach Fat in 5 Simple Ways

If you’re one of the millions of Americans trying to lose lower stomach fat, you probably already know how discouraging it can be. What can be almost as frustrating is the deluge of targeted advertisements that you’ll see once you start researching stomach fat reduction. Not all fat reduction methods are equally as effective, and most will not work for everyone. We have explored some of the more effective strategies for stomach fat reduction and will discuss the pros and cons of each.

How You Get Lower Stomach Fat

Before we start the discussion about lower stomach fat loss, it’s important to understand how you get stomach fat. It would be an oversimplification to say that heavy people also have a high amount of stomach fat. Obesity affects us in different ways, and some people are more prone to lower stomach fat than others. Here are some of the reasons why:


It can be challenging to overcome a genetic body trait. This is particularly true when it comes to fat storage, and not just in the stomach. If you have difficulty keeping weight off of your thighs, buttocks, hips, arms, etc., there’s a good chance that you’re genetically predisposed to gain weight there. The easiest way to detect whether you’re fighting genetics is to consider the body types of your parents, grandparents, and siblings. If they struggle to control fat in the lower abdomen, the chances are good that you all have the same genetic predisposition.


There’s an adage that you can’t outrun a poor diet. While overall weight gain may result from calories consumed outpacing calories used, some foods are more likely to result in the accumulation of belly fat. The most likely culprits are sugar, complex carbohydrates, and alcohol. You may also not have enough of a balance of protein or fiber in your diet. Increasing your intake of proteins and foods high in fiber can be extremely helpful in reducing body fat.

Sedentary Lifestyle

While the human anatomy is enormously complex, here is a simple rule. If you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. For some of us, that means lower belly fat. Exercise is one way to turn the tide by burning calories away. Additionally, the more muscle your body has, the higher number of calories that you burn, even while at rest.


It might seem like stress is just another convenient excuse for binge eating, but there is another medical reason why stress can lead to increased abdominal fat. When you experience stressors, the adrenal glands release cortisol. This chemical triggers the redirection of fat to the abdomen, where it can be used by the body to feed vital organs. This can also lead to sugar cravings as the body believes that it requires readily burnable energy.

Why Lower Stomach Fat Is Difficult to Get Rid Of

The obvious reason that belly fat is difficult to get rid of is that we haven’t eliminated the causes that put it there in the first place, but there is more to it than that. Even if you are able to eliminate sweets and fatty foods, begin an exercise regimen, and reduce stress in your life, you may still have a difficult time reducing your belly fat.

There are different types of fat in your body, and as it turns out, belly fat is both the most dangerous type to accumulate and the most difficult to lose. Fat around the stomach is known as white adipose tissue (WAT). WAT cells tend to be larger and harder than brown and beige fats, which are more readily burned by the body. Some medical techniques target WAT around the belly, and we shall discuss them in later sections. The important point here is that white adipose tissue around the belly is difficult, but not impossible, to lose from diet and exercise.

Our Top Five Ways How to Lose Lower Belly Fat

Before you read through these suggestions, you should understand that it may take a combination of two or more methods to show significant results. While the solutions are “simple,” some are more difficult to put into practice than others. Before making any major lifestyle change, you should consult your doctor.

1. Dieting

As we mentioned above, a healthy diet is essential not only to lose lower abdomen fat but also in keeping it off. If you have a high-calorie, high-carb, sugary diet, you’re probably going to be fatter than you’d prefer. If you’re trying to reduce fat by losing weight, you need to reduce your caloric intake,  increase your caloric burn, or both. You also want to select the foods you consume wisely. You should try to increase your consumption of protein and good fats and stick to good carbs that are high in fiber. For a specific diet, consult your doctor or nutritionist, but these are good dietary rules for most people.

2. Cardio Exercise

One of the ways that you can lose fat is via cardio exercise. Aerobic workouts will not specifically target belly fat, but they will help reduce your net calorie intake, which will cause your body to burn fat. Running, jumping rope, dancing, etc., are all good ways to up your calorie burn. If you don’t already do cardio exercise, check with your physician before starting.

3. Resistance Training

Lifting weights and building muscle can help you reduce your lower stomach fat. In addition to the increased calorie burn you’ll experience during your workouts — usually not quite as much as with an aerobic workout — you will build muscle.

Muscle is a much more active type of tissue, and it burns more calories. So, even when you’re at rest, your body is demanding more calories to sustain itself. While doing crunches, situps, and leg lifts usually won’t target your belly fat, they can help you increase the size of your abdominal muscles, which can be useful for other activities and is aesthetically pleasing.

4. Surgery

There are several medical procedures that specifically target stomach fat. Among the most common are liposuction, gastric bypass, and gastric sleeve. These invasive procedures are widely successful, but all of them involve hospitalization, anesthesia, and a relatively long recovery period, which can range anywhere between four to twelve weeks before you can resume full activity.

In the case of liposuction, fat cells are permanently removed. While this may sound like a benefit, it can actually be dangerous. If you should gain weight after the surgery — this is common since the procedure doesn’t address the underlying causes of weight gain — you will not be able to store fat in your stomach. That means that the fat is likely to accumulate in other areas of the body, which can lead to a disproportionate appearance. Sometimes, fat will accumulate around vital organs, which is dangerous.

5. Non-Invasive Medical Procedures

There are several non-invasive procedures that target lower abdominal fat with varying degrees of efficacy. Cold sculpting has received a lot of attention in recent years. However, like liposuction, cryolipolysis ends up killing fat cells and presents the same dangers.

Laser lipolysis is another non-invasive procedure that has been proven to be effective for fat around the midsection. While some laser lipo methods do involve a small degree of pain and the inadvisable destruction of fat cells, one system is FDA-approved, painless, fast, and involves no recovery time. Emerald by Erchonia uses ten 532-nanometer green lasers to target lower stomach fat. The lasers penetrate the fat cells and liquefy the hard white lipids inside through a process called emulsification. The liquified lipids then drain through pores in the cell walls where the body’s lymphatic system disposes of them. The Emerald Laser process also leaves the fat cells alive for future use by the body if needed. The process is also painless. This is also the only laser fat reduction system market approved for individuals with a BMI over 30.

Frequently Asked Questions about Losing Stomach Fat

If you’re seeking a solution to losing lower stomach fat, you should consult with a professional. Most people would benefit from a three-pronged approach, like diet, exercise, and laser fat removal, for instance. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions by people who are seeking body fat reduction solutions.

Can You Target Lower Stomach Fat with Laser Lipo?

Absolutely. While laser lipolysis can target arms, legs, chin, neck, and back, the process was initially developed to target abdominal fat. In one blind study, Emerald Laser showed that the average body circumference loss was six inches.

What Are the Advantages of Emerald Laser Lipo?

Laser lipolysis has many advantages over invasive procedures like liposuction and has several advantages over competitors. Emerald Laser is:

  • Non-invasive – The process does not involve blades or needles.
  • Painless – Most study participants can’t feel anything at all.
  • No Recovery Time – You should be able to leave and resume normal activities immediately.
  • Fast – Sessions require less than half an hour, which means you can have your treatment before work, after work, or during lunch.
  • Affordable – Emerald Laser providers charge between $1,500 and $2,500 for six sessions. Financing is available.
  • Effective – Emerald Laser has been proven to be effective at reducing stomach fat via multiple blind studies.

How Long Do I Have to Wait between Laser Lipo Treatments?

With Emerald Laser, there is no minimum amount of time between lipo laser treatments. For maximum benefits, you should space your treatments out by a week or two, depending on the advice of your consultant.

If you’ve been unable to lose belly fat due to genetics, lifestyle, stress, or other factors, you may be a good candidate for painless, non-invasive laser lipo. Schedule a free consultation with an Emerald Laser provider in your area. If you represent a doctor’s office or medspa, contact Emerald by Erchonia to learn about our provider program.

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