April 8, 2021 3:53 pm

For years, liposuction and body contouring procedures have ranked among the top cosmetic procedures requested. Although surgical liposuction is the most well-known, laser sculpting is gaining popularity for melting fat and reshaping bodies. This little-known procedure can be effective if you want to get rid of some unwanted fat.

What do you know about laser sculpting (often referred to as laser lipo)? Whether you’ve heard a lot about it or are just becoming familiar with this procedure, there is a lot of information out there, and not all of it is true. Here are 10 things you may not know about laser sculpting.

1) Laser Sculpting Isn’t Like Traditional Liposuction

When most people think of fat removal, an invasive surgical procedure with a long recovery time usually comes to mind. However, laser sculpting, sometimes called laser lipo, isn’t the same procedure as liposuction. Laser sculpting uses harmless light to liquefy fat cells and the body processes and removes these liquids through its lymphatic system.

2) Laser Lipo Can Be Less Expensive than Surgical Liposuction

How much does laser sculpting cost vs. traditional liposuction? Although the price of either procedure varies depending on several factors, such as how comprehensive the treatment is and where it is performed. Taking this into account, typical liposuction is a surgical procedure that can cost close to $10,000. Since laser sculpting is an in-office procedure – no hospitalization required – the expense is usually lower.

3) Laser Sculpting and Traditional Liposuction Require Diet and Exercise to Maintain Results

Most people who have either laser sculpting or traditional liposuction are satisfied with their results and would recommend it to others. However, in order to maintain their results, they must follow their physician’s recommendation to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise, no matter which procedure they had.

4) Laser Liposuction Literally Melts Fat

When you have laser sculpting, cutting-edge laser technology is used to shrink fat cells, and releases the fatty liquids it contains, keeping the cell intact so that it can function properly.

5) Men and Women Get Liposuction

Whether traditional liposuction performed by a plastic surgeon or through laser-assisted liposuction, both men and women can get liposuction. In fact, these days, men are just as interested in these procedures as women. The only difference is the treated area. Women generally want fat removed from the hips and thighs, while men want fat removed from the abdomen, chest, and love handles.

6) Laser Lipo Can Reshape Your Body

By targeting pockets of stubborn fat, laser sculpting can dramatically change your shape. While it is not specifically for weight loss, it is ideal for reduction in areas such as the abdomen, upper thighs, buttocks, love handles, and many others.

7) Laser Sculpting Can Tighten Skin

While traditional liposuction can get rid of fat, laser lipo does a little more. In addition to melting fat away, laser sculpting can also improve the appearance of the skin. The laser shrinks fat cells, giving the appearance of smoother skin, making it an ideal option for those with poor skin tone.

8) Laser Lipo Requires Less Downtime

The recovery time for laser sculpting is approximately half the time for traditional liposuction. Cold-laser sculpting requires no downtime and patients can return to normal activities immediately. With traditional liposuction, patients are required to take a week or two off from work.

9) Laser Sculpting Is Safer Than Traditional Liposuction

Laser sculpting is non-invasive, while traditional liposuction is a plastic surgery that comes with all the risks of any surgical procedures. Because traditional liposuction is an outpatient procedure and generally doesn’t require an overnight hospital stay, some people think it is a minor procedure that doesn’t require hospitalization. This is a misconception. Even if it is outpatient, if your procedure is performed in a hospital by a plastic surgeon, you are admitted for the time it takes for the procedure to be completed.

In addition, general anesthesia is used with traditional liposuction. Many people are not comfortable being under general anesthesia because there are risks involved, such as allergic reactions and other side effects. Laser sculpting is painless and does not require general anesthesia.

During any surgical procedure, some blood loss is expected. With laser sculpting, there is no blood loss since the laser light penetrates below the skin without damaging the surface. Instead, it uses a harmless energy of light at specific wavelengths that work at a cellular level with your body. The fat cells shrink and begin to function like healthy lean fat cells. This also means no pain, no downtime, and no side effects.

General anesthesia and excessive bleeding are the two most significant risks associated with traditional liposuction. Laser sculpting eliminates these risks.

10) Laser Sculpting Is an In-office Procedure

A laser liposuction procedure is performed in-office. This makes it more comfortable and convenient than having a procedure in a hospital or surgical facility. The amount of time it takes depends on the areas being treated, but it is generally faster and with no downtime.

When it comes to laser fat removal, you get more than just fat removal results: you gain a huge confidence boost that propels you along your fat loss or body contouring journey. Take the next step into a happier you this year and get in touch with an Emerald Laser provider near you to try it out.

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