Obese man in grey shirt measures his waist with tape measure

6 Obesity Health Risks & Conditions You Should Be Concerned About

Published: January 5, 2023
Read Time: 8 Minutes
Category: Providers

Obesity is a condition that affects 42% of all Americans. It has numerous deleterious effects on overall bodily health as well as the deterioration of individual organs in the body, and it is responsible for several of the leading causes of mortality in the United States. We are going to go over a variety of information about obesity and the way it affects the body. In particular, we are going to go over six risks to various bodily systems posed by obesity.

Close up of a man's belly button and upper pubic fat

5 Science-Backed Methods to Get Rid of FUPA (Pubic Fat)

Published: January 3, 2023
Last Updated: October 13th, 2023
Read Time: 7 Minutes
Category: Providers

No one wants to have an unsightly FUPA mass under their clothes. Luckily for you, there are several ways to get rid of unwanted FUPAs and to lose body fat in general. However, the change has to begin internally, and you have to be ready to commit to the effort necessary to get rid of a FUPA because short of surgery, there are not many options for getting rid of a FUPA without considerable effort on the part of the person trying to get rid of it. Having said that, let's get into all the details about FUPAs and getting rid of them.

Woman holds pink tape measure around her leg

3 Thigh Exercises to Try for Toned, Sculpted Legs

Published: December 29, 2022
Last Updated: October 13th, 2023
Read Time: 6 Minutes
Category: Providers

Everybody wants a nice toned body, but not many are willing to do the work to get it. For those of you that are willing to put in the work, we've compiled a list of exercises that work optimally to tone your legs. However, first, we have some myths to dispel about toning itself.

Woman holds her young daughter on her back in piggyback position as she does squats outside in a grassy backyard

Mom Belly Workouts & Tips for On-The-Go Moms to Stay Active

Published: December 27, 2022
Last Updated: September 20th, 2023
Read Time: 5 Minutes
Category: Providers

It's imperative for moms to preserve their health and well-being, both for and to set a good example for their children. However, we know that there are plenty of obstacles to moms staying in shape, most of them related to time concerns, but we think we have a solution! We will go over the importance of a healthy lifestyle, some of the obstacles moms face when exercising, and ways to work out that don't take much time or equipment.

Woman pinches stomach fat on the left side of her stomach

Stubborn Belly Fat in Women: How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Published: December 23, 2022
Read Time: 5 Minutes
Category: Providers

No one wants to have an unsightly belly visible, but sometimes it’s so hard to stay in shape. Who has the time to eat healthily and exercise all the time? So let’s say that you’ve been a little less vigilant than normal and have accumulated some unwanted belly fat. What to do now? We’re going to go over some of the best ways to get rid of unwanted belly fat.