April 2, 2021 6:48 pm

One of the most important elements to successfully maintaining the results after you’ve had cold laser therapy for fat loss is sticking to a healthy diet and exercise plan. Whether you gain weight, or lose it, for that matter, is governed by the first law of thermodynamics. This law states that energy isn’t created or destroyed but transformed from one type of energy to another. But what does this mean in terms of maintaining fat loss and a calorie-neutral diet?

When applied to weight loss, this law governs energy balance in the body, meaning that your body weight depends on the difference between the calories you take in vs. the calories your burn: your calorie balance. Keeping your calorie balance neutral helps keep the weight off.

What Is a Calorie Neutral Diet?

There are three different types of calorie balances: negative, positive, and neutral. Your body can only be in one of these states at any given time.

When you are in a state of positive calorie balance, you’ve consumed more calories than your body can burn. These extra calories are then stored as fat. Excess fat on the body is stored to be used at a later date.

A negative calorie balance state occurs when you burn more calories than you take in. In this instance, your body needs more calories to produce the energy needed for daily function and any activities than the calories you consume. Your body compensates by burning stored energy, which means you will lose weight.

A calorie-neutral state occurs when you consume the same amount of calories that you burn. In this state, all the calories you consume are used by your body, and your weight will remain stable. A calorie-neutral diet will be one that keeps you in a calorie-neutral state the majority of the time.

Guidelines for a Calorie Neutral Diet

The goal of a calorie-neutral diet is to balance the calories you burn with the calories you consume so that you use the calories that you take in. Rather than considering it a diet, think of it as an eating plan for life.

But first, you need to know how many calories you are taking in and how much energy you use on a regular basis.

Begin by tracking your calories for about a week or so. Write down what you eat and drink and the calories for each. While you do this, keep track of how much you exercise and how many calories you burn. You don’t necessarily have to do this forever, but long enough to become aware of what you are eating and your exercise level and how that affects your weight and body composition.

If your calories in equal your calories out, you’re in a balanced state, and you probably won’t gain or lose weight. This is what you want for the weight maintenance stage. Eating the right mix of fat-burning food and low or negative calorie food along with the right amount of activity or physical exercise will help you maintain your fat-loss results.

Lean Protein

Lean proteins help you gain or maintain muscle, which in turn helps you maintain a healthy body composition and weight. Lean proteins include fish, chicken, turkey, lean cuts of beef, and plant-based proteins such as beans and legumes.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are considered low or negative-calorie foods filled with essential vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients. A negative-calorie food takes more energy to digest than it has calories. Choose mostly non-starchy fruit and vegetables such as apples, pears, grapes, berries, citrus, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflower, and leafy greens such as spinach or kale.

Whole Grains

Whole grains high in fiber support healthy digestion and provide essential vitamins and minerals. Whole grains include oats, quinoa, millet, whole wheat, barley, buckwheat, and brown rice.

Carbs, Fats, and Sugars

Keep these to a minimum, healthy fats such as olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, olives, avocado, nuts, and seeds. Experiment with the right among of carbs, and avoid sugar as much as possible.

Tips and Tricks to Stick to a Calorie Neutral Diet

Sticking to a diet can be difficult and needs planning and motivation for you to succeed. The tips and tricks below will help you stay on course and maintain your fat loss.

Make a Plan

Plan your meals and exercise as you plan your day. Meal prep is a great way to stick to a healthy eating plan.

Regularly Eat Breakfast

It is the most important meal of the day, after all, and people who eat breakfast generally eat fewer calories overall and are more successful at maintaining weight loss.

Check Your Weight

Weigh yourself weekly, and if you notice a change, adjust your diet and exercise plan to keep the pounds from creeping back on.

Stay Connected to Your Support Network

You probably built a support network on your weight-loss journey. Lean on them now, too, for inspiration and motivation.

Choose a New Goal

Now that you’ve overcome one of the biggest hurdles you’ll probably ever face, choose a new goal to funnel all that energy into. It can be anything, such as learning a new skill.

How a Calorie Neutral Diet Contributes to Long-Term Results after Fat Removal

No matter how much you diet and exercise, you may find that you have stubborn fat pockets that just won’t budge. When this happens, many people turn to laser fat removal to reduce these problem areas.

These procedures remove fat problem areas by shrinking the fat cells. However, to get long-term results, you must maintain a healthy diet and exercise plan, just as you would for any type of weight loss. A calorie-neutral diet can help you maintain your fat loss by ensuring that you get the right amount of calories and exercise to stay healthy, energetic, and vital.