When you start a healthy diet and exercise regimen, and the pounds drop off, it’s an exciting feeling. However, for many, there comes a time when they see movement on the scale but still have stubborn areas that don’t seem to lose fat, no matter what they do.
Even more frustrating, sometimes the fat just doesn’t seem to come off in the areas you want it to. This may lead you to wonder why specific body fat removal areas are harder to reduce than others. And why these areas differ from person to person.
Lifestyle, Genetics, Environmental Factors, Governs Where the Body Stores or Loses Fat
In short, the areas where each person may gain weight, lose weight, and store fat is different. A combination of lifestyle, genetics, and environmental factors influences which areas hold fat cells and which areas lose fat cells easily.
Areas on the body that easily gain or lose fat cells are governed by genetics. Our genes dictate where we store body fat and how we lose it. In general, women tend to store fat in their lower body, while men tend to store fat in their abdomen. The order in which the fat is lost will vary by individual, so there is no guideline or fat-loss timeline that applies to all.
What is Non-Surgical Fat Removal?
While there are multiple forms of non-surgical fat removal, many commercially marketed treatments are less than effective, and few compare with Emerald Laser’s non-surgical cold fat removal tretament by Erchonia.
Other examples of non-surgical fat removal include cryolipolysis (fat freezing or cold sculpting), ultrasound fat reduction, red light therapy, and electromagnetic therapy. These techniques have varying degrees of effectiveness and usually entail side effects.
Laser lipolysis works by boring a small hole through the fat cell and heating the lipids inside. The emulsified lipids then drain through the pores in the cell, where they are safely eliminated by the body’s lymphatic systems.
What sets Emerald Laser apart from other fat removal systems is the type of laser it employs. Emerald Laser machines have ten 532 nanometer lasers. These lasers, which emit a green light, produce more energy than most conventional lasers. These cool lasers reduce the amount of time per treatment.
Additionally, Emerald Laser does not destroy the fat cells. This may sound like a disadvantage, but the reality is that it’s beneficial to leave the cells drained, but intact. Destroying fat cells can lead to the production of new fat cells in other areas of the body — sometimes around vital organs. Because Emerald Laser drains fat cells while leaving them alive, should the patient later gain weight, they are less likely to produce new fat cells.
What are the Benefits of Non-Surgical Fat Removal?
The benefits of Emerald Laser non-surgical laser fat removal are numerous.
Emerald Laser has been proven to be effective in multiple double-blind studies. Notably, patients in these studies had a noticeable reduction in body circumference when compared with the control group. Patients usually see some results after the first treatment, with full results apparent within 12 weeks.
As a non-invasive fat-reduction treatment, patients avoid the dangers of surgery, including anesthesia-related accidents and infection. Erchonia is a pioneer in the laser lipolysis industry, receiving the first FDA market approval for a laser fat removal device.
Most patients report feeling a mild tingling sensation if they feel anything at all. There’s also no downtime. After the treatment, patients can resume full physical activity.
No Side Effects
Emerald Laser has no known side effects.
Appointments usually take less than 30 minutes. Because there’s no downtime or side effects, they can resume their normal routines immediately after. That means that you can schedule an appointment before work, during lunch, or on the way to dinner.
Cost Effective
When compared to an invasive procedure, like liposuction or a gastric bypass, laser fat removal costs thousands of dollars less. Emerald Laser providers have packages starting from $1,500 to $2,500 for six treatments. This is usually the required number for patients to see full results.
Am I a Good Candidate for Non-Surgical Fat Removal?
While many laser fat removal systems are only approved for individuals with BMIs up to 30, Emerald Laser is the only system that is FDA-approved for patients with BMIs up to 40.
Emerald Laser is not recommended for patients under 18 years of age or who are pregnant. If you have any questions about whether or not Emerald Laser would interfere with another treatment or medical conditions, consult your doctor. Additionally, disclose any medical conditions you have during your initial consultation.
When you start a healthy diet and exercise regimen, and the pounds drop off, it’s an exciting feeling. However, for many, there comes a time when they see movement on the scale but still have stubborn areas that don’t seem to lose fat, no matter what they do.
Even more frustrating, sometimes the fat just doesn’t seem to come off in the areas you want it to. This may lead you to wonder why specific body fat removal areas are harder to reduce than others. And why these areas differ from person to person.
Lifestyle, Genetics, Environmental Factors, Governs Where the Body Stores or Loses Fat
In short, the areas where each person may gain weight, lose weight, and store fat is different. A combination of lifestyle, genetics, and environmental factors influences which areas hold fat cells and which areas lose fat cells easily.
Areas on the body that easily gain or lose fat cells are governed by genetics. Our genes dictate where we store body fat and how we lose it. In general, women tend to store fat in their lower body, while men tend to store fat in their abdomen. The order in which the fat is lost will vary by individual, so there is no guideline or fat-loss timeline that applies to all.
Treatment Areas for Emerald Laser Body Fat Removal
Emerald Laser is the first FDA market-cleared whole body fat removal treatment in patients with small pockets of fat cells. This means it can be used in a delicate treatment area such as the neck. It can also be used in place of a painful cosmetic procedure that would otherwise require downtime. Laser fat loss with Emerald Laser causes no downtime, no pain, and no bruising. There are virtually no side effects, unlike fat removal through surgical procedures.
Fat in the chin area can be caused by genetics, aging, loss of facial skin elasticity, or weight gain that results in a double chin. Many people choose chin fat removal to create a more youthful appearance. However, the double chin may reappear if lifestyle changes are not made.
An accumulation of fatty tissue in the neck, especially between the muscles and around the cervical vertebrae, is often caused by weight gain and genetic fat storage predisposition. This can cause serious issues such as sleep apnea as well as debilitating low self-esteem. There is no surgical cosmetic procedure for neck fat removal. However, advances in non-invasive procedures have made it possible to have fat removed from this area.
Often caused by age and weight gain, arm fat is one of the most challenging areas to reduce. Arm toning exercises can help, but there will likely be some stubborn fat that just won’t go away. Women, in particular, develop unsightly arm fat, often called batwings, that isn’t easy to get rid of. Non-surgical laser treatments for arm fat removal using cold laser technology have been successful in targeting this area.
Armpit / Underarm
Armpit fat or underarm fat is seen as an extra fold of skin between the arm and the upper breast tissue. It is also called bra bulge, or more scientifically, anterior axillary roll. While there are exercises that can help with underarm fat removal, this area is especially resistant to change through diet and exercise. Because of this, non-invasive armpit fat removal is often used to reduce this area.
Abdomen (Belly, Tummy)
Often called the belly or tummy, fat can accumulate in this area due to age, hormones, stress, genetics, and weight gain. Subcutaneous belly fat is located between the skin and the outer abdominal wall. Diet and exercise can lead to belly fat loss, but often stubborn fat remains even after significant weight loss. Traditional tummy fat removal involves general anesthesia, while more recent advances for belly fat removal involve low-level laser therapy (LLIT) procedures.
Hips (Love Handles)
Love handles refer to the excess amounts of fat that extend outward from the hips. Factors that contribute to love handles include hormones, age, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and slow metabolism. This is often an area resistant to weight loss, diet, and exercise, so many people turn to laser love handle removal to achieve a sleeker body contour.
Thigh fat is a significant problem area for many women. It often seems like the first place that gains fat and the last place to lose it. Often impervious to weight loss, trying to lose fat in this area can be discouraging and disheartening. Cardio and toning exercises can help, but if the fat becomes stubborn, laser fat thigh fat removal can reduce resistant fat pockets.
Inner Thigh
Inner thigh fat is another challenging and stubborn area to tone and slim down. Most women carry excess inner thigh fat due to genetics and their body type. When toning and diet fail to produce inner thigh fat removal, non-invasive laser treatments can get rid of stubborn fat in this area.
Back fat can accumulate in both the upper and lower back, and both men and women suffer from it. In women, back fat is often called bra overhang. The fat around the lower back and sides is often called a muffin top. A diet that is high in sugar, fat, and calories, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, can lead to excessive weight gain and back fat. When all else fails, low-heat laser treatment can help with back fat removal.
Non-Invasive Laser Treatment for Stubborn Areas
Pockets of stubborn body fat are more than annoying, they can lead to self-consciousness and seriously damage your self-esteem. Melting away the fat cells in these stubborn areas with exercise and diet just doesn’t work. Exercise can help tone the muscles underneath the fat won’t do much for getting rid of the actual fat. Aerobic exercise can burn calories and help you lose weight, but it doesn’t always reduce the fat in these stubborn areas. Plastic surgeons might be able to help, however, you’ll have to deal with long recovery times and potential side effects.
As the first laser FDA-cleared to treat the full-body, the Emerald Laser fat removal can tackle all areas plagued by stubborn fat pockets. Weight and body shape are critical aspects of general health and well-being. Although laser fat removal is not a direct weight loss treatment, it can help you achieve a slimmer, healthier-looking body. After the procedure, it is key to maintain a healthy, calorie-neutral diet and get regular exercise. These healthy habits will help you to maintain weight loss.
See for yourself what people are saying about Emerald Laser and our revolutionary laser! Our patients from around the world have seen great results. In comparison, 55.5% of people who underwent traditional liposuction were either neutral or dissatisfied with their results. (medicalnewstoday.com) Find an Emerald laser provider near you today!